Composition :

Each mL FUNGASOL® SS 1% contains Ketoconazole 10 mg


Pharmacology :

FUNGASOL®-SS 1% with active substance Ketoconazole 1% has antimycotic effectiveness against Pityrosporum ovale as the main cause of dandruff and seborrhoeic dermatitis, so it can remove scales and itching on the scalp


Indication :

FUNGASOL®-SS 1% is indicated for the treatment of scalp infections such as mild seborrhoeic dermatitis and dandruff caused by the Pityrosporum ovale


Dosage :

Treatment phase:

Use 2 times a week for 2 to 4 weeks

Treatment stage:

Use 1 time every 1 or 2 week


Direction :

FUNGASOL®-SS 1% is used for the treatment of dandruff when washing the scalp and hair. Apply 5 mL of FUNGASOL®-SS 1% each time of use and leave 3 to 5 minutes before rinsing


Presentation and Registration Number :

FUNGASOL® SS 1% Box, Bottle @ 80 ml; DTL9608001965B1

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