

Each ERAPHAGE® film coating caplet contains Metformin Hydrochloride 500 mg



ERAPHAGE® is an oral antidiabetic agent different from the sulfonylurea class both chemically and even in terms of how it works. This drug is a substituted doubleuan substituted metformin (dimethylbiguanide) Hydrochloride B.P.


Methromine lowers blood sugar levels to just normal values ​​and provides normal value stability. These drugs do not affect blood sugar levels of healthy people, while in diabetics, Metformin provides a pattern of sugar levels similar to healthy people, so no sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels are not expected.

In contrast to the sulfonylurea group, on the use of Metformin as a single drug is not found cases of hypoglycemia. Metformin does not stimulate β cells from the pancreas to produce further insulin, but allows diabetics to utilize the endogenous insulin available through increased reception insulin sensitivity. Metformin multiplies the peripheral use of glucose. Metformin lowers high levels of insulin, cholesterol, triglycerides and pre-β lipoproteins in plasma. Metformin tends to result in weight loss or at least prevents the weight gain commonly found in diabetics given sulfonylurea treatment. Metformin has not changed because of metabolism. Methromine is excreted in an unchanging form mainly in the urine and in small amounts in the stool.


– Treatment for diabetics after newly diagnosed adolescents with overweight or normal weight and if

diet is not successful.

– As a single drug in the case of the use of primary or secondary sulfonylureas is not successful.

– In combination with a sulfonylurea.

– As an adjuvant drug in diabetics with dependence on insulin in order to reduce the required dose of


– In younger non-ketotik diabetics with complete dependence on insulin.


Dosage :

ERAPHAGE® film coating caplets should be provided with food or after meals in divided doses:

– Initial dose: 2 times 1 film coated caplet

– Maintenance: 3 times 1 film coated caplet

– Maximum: 3 times 2 film coated caplet



In combination with sulfonylurea or insulin treatment, blood sugar levels should be checked, given the possibility of hypoglycemia

  • Dosage should be enlarged slowly. A film coated caplet ERAPHAGE® 500 mg 3 times a day is often enough to control diabetes. This can be achieved in a few days, not infrequently also this effect is delayed within 2 weeks. If the desired result is not achieved, the dose can be raised carefully at a maximum of 3 grams daily. When the symptoms of diabetes have been controlled, there is the possibility of doses can be lowered.
  • When combined with an inadequate sulfonylurea treatment, initiation is given 1 caplet coated ERAPHAGE® 500 mg then the dose is increased slowly until optimal control is obtained. Often the doses of sulfonylurea can be reduced and in some patients do not even need to be given again. Treatment can be continued with ERAPHAGE® as a single drug.
  • When given in conjunction with insulin, the following guidelines can be followed:
    • When the insulin dose is less than 60 units a day, the onset is given one film coat capsule ERAPHAGE® 500 mg, then the dose of insulin is gradually reduced (4 units every 2-4 days). The use of film coated caplet can be increased every weekly interval.
    • When an insulin dose of more than 60 units a day, ERAPHAGE® occasionally causes rapidly decreasing blood sugar levels. Such patients should be carefully observed during the first 24 hours after administration of ERAPHAGE®. After that it can be followed the instructions given above.



Presentation and Registration Number :

ERAPHAGE® Box 10 strip @ 10 kaplet salut selaput; No. Reg.: DKL9808010410A1




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